Trauma shows up in many ways and causes symptoms that can be confusing. It can cause panic attacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts and flashbacks. It can make us feel frozen or spacey in some situations. It can also cause insomnia, depression and various forms of anxiety. To deal with these symptoms, people may turn to problematic coping strategies such as substance use or isolation.
People with unprocessed trauma often feel that they are in danger even when they know logically that they are not. This is because their nervous system does not fully recognize that the threat is gone.
Fortunately, trauma can be healed.
Trauma treatment allows our nervous system to release old experiences and brings us back into the present. I have seen many people move from fear and helplessness to a new sense of freedom and safety.
Mindfulness-Counseling believes in a multi-dimensional approach to healing trauma. We typically begin by learning new coping strategies to help when you feel overwhelmed. We address the parts of you that are protecting you from feeling too much pain. Then we work with the nervous system to release stuck patterns. In many cases, this process includes Breath Hypnotherapy to help you integrate disturbing memories and release the trauma.
Addressing trauma is scary and vulnerable, and I want to help you through the healing process in as gentle and supportive a way as possible. Feeling safe is the most important thing when processing trauma.
When we heal from trauma we not only experience relief from symptoms—we also experience a more whole version of ourselves, and less confusion about our lives. At Mindfulness-Counseling, we have seen how painful trauma can be. We have also seen how empowering it can feel when we begin to heal it.
If you are suffering with trauma, please take the first step and reach out!